Madrid Region Innovative Entrepreneurship Ecosystem - Support Entities
212 entities found.
Seed and Grow Ventures
Identificación de oportunidades: utilizamos nuestra red global y experiencia para descubrir inversiones con alto potencial de crecimiento. Contamos con un dealflow seleccionado cuidadosamente, para darte acceso a oportunidades únicas. Conocimiento comp...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
SeedRocket offers startups a common space for work and knowledge, enhancing synergies between them and facilitating the transfer of know-how between entrepreneurs. Since June 2015 we have our space in Google for Startups, Madrid Campus. This Campus was...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
Siemens Digital Industries Software
Siemens Xcelerator reúne todo el portfolio de Siemens Digital Industries Software con herramientas integradas y bases de datos que conectan los entornos actuales y futuros de tecnología de la información, tecnología operativa y tecnología de ingeniería. A...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Sonar Ventures
Sonar Ventures is a venture builder, a company that creates new companies. We believe that startups are one of the most effective ways to have a real impact on people's lives. Our mission is to change the world through innovation and technology. We col...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity
South Summit
South Summit is the most valuable networking for entreprenurship. A unique place for the world’s leading companies, startups, investors and institutions that want to accelerate innovation, build lasting relationships, identify opportunities and generate b...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking
Hemos diseñado servicios para que tu proyecto se convierta en una realidad empresarial, para que juntos avancemos. Te acompañamos en la comercialización, desde el inicio hasta la consolidación y te ayudamos con la planificación y la estrategia. En space...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Training
We offer creative working environments with a unique entrepreneurial spirit. What really makes Spaces unique is the community we’ve worked to cultivate. Add an international network of mobile workspaces and a full calendar of business events, speakers ...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Events, Networking, Working Space
Spain Foodtech
PROGRAMA DE ACELERACIÓN DE ALTO RENDIMIENTO PARA STARTUPS AGRI-FOODTECH Tiene por objetivo apoyar la construcción y el desarrollo de sólidas startups españolas en el ambito del agri-food-tech, capaces de competir a escala global y de convertirse en un ...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment
Spanish Startups
Born in 2017 and based in Madrid, we support entrepreneurs from all over Spain and abroad, providing support through our website, social networks and biweekly newsletter. We are also part of the Madrid Tech City Board. Our goal is to connect and suppor...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators, Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Networking
Speed way Banco Caminos
Somos la plataforma para emprendedores desarrollada por Banco Caminos y Bancofar cuyo objetivo es apoyar ideas de proyectos que aporten valor y que quieran desarrollar un modelo empresarial sólido, dentro del sector de la ingeniería y la farmacia. Formac...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Mentoring, Working Space
Aceleradora y plataforma de coinversión especializada en deporte, innovación y tecnología. Ponemos a tu disposición los recursos necesarios para ayudarte con el crecimiento de tu proyecto en el mundo del deporte. Pioneros en combinar innovación, emprendi...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators, Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Networking
Startup Alcobendas
Join the first public initiative that promotes collaboration between Corporates and Startups in the Municipality of Alcobendas. Startup Alcobendas - API constitutes an open, multisectoral and collaborative innovation platform created by the Alcobendas ...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking
Startup The Future - GALP
programa de innovación abierta que conecta las Unidades de Negocio y los Centros de Innovación de Galp con startups energéticas disruptivas. Colabora con Galp, una empresa energética global que colabora activamente con startups y que ya ha invertido má...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Startup University
At Startup University we sit down with you to identify what your startup needs. We equip your project with strategy, team, investment and identity. And we launch it with you....
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Training
Talent Garden
Talent Garden's mission is to create local, dynamic and globally connected campuses that empower the digital and technology communities. Founded in Brescia, Italy in 2011, Talent Garden is the leading European network of coworking and Innovation School...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
Tenity es un ecosistema global de innovación y un inversor en etapas tempranas que impulsa el futuro de las finanzas. Fundada en 2015 en Zúrich, Suiza, se ha expandido a Europa y Asia, incluyendo Madrid, Singapur, Tallin, Estambul y Londres. En España,...
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking
Tetuan Valley
Founded in 2009, Tetuan Valley is the first non-profit accelerator program in Europe, built by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. We foster a hands-on, community-driven approach to innovation, where real founders help other founders turn ideas into impac...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
The Fringe Labs
Venture builder de Real estate, totalmente independiente y operado por fundadores y para fundadores. Funciona como una factoría de startups especializada en el sector Proptech y Data. Crean startups desde cero, sustentadas por un ecosistema de clientes, p...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
The Valley
THE VALLEY es un ecosistema de conocimiento digital, colaborativo y abierto, compuesto por: La escuela de negocios The Valley Digital Business School. El headhunter especializado en perfiles digitales, The Valley Talent. Un espacio colaborativo para ...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Networking, Training, Working Space
The Venture City
TheVentureCity (TVC) is a Venture Capital and Accelerator company with HQ in Miami and Madrid which is constantly looking for global and ambitious entrepreneurs. We run a fully remote 5-month Growth Program focused on growth product data and tech imparted...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
The lab ventures
buscamos a los mejores emprendedores de hoy para montar las mejores empresas del mañana. Invierten en sectores de baja transformación digital, Saas o managed marketplace, B2B o B2B2C, España y Latam y entran en fases seed y preserie A con rangos de aporta...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
TheCUBE Madrid
TheCUBE es un ecosistema de innovación de referencia con impacto global. Nuestra misión es ayudar a grandes corporaciones y scale-ups a generar nuevos negocios innovadores a través de un enfoque colaborativo único que incluye la co-creación de startup...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Top Seeds Lab
THE ONLY VC FOCUSED ON B2B TRAVELTECH STARTUPS IN EARLY GROWTH STAGE TRAVEL TECH 1 SCR invests in startups that could generate added value to existing travel corporates, both traditional players and digital players, based on B2B and B2B2C models; or to...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking
We co-invest with the founders of the project in the constitution of the company and the creation of the necessary structure for its business model. More than ten years of experience investing in projects and startups allow us to share knowledge of Mar...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity
Centro universitario de tecnología y arte digital. Ofrecemos una formación de calidad y adaptada a las demandas de las competencias profesionales que nos solicita la industria. Innovación tecnológica: Estamos a la vanguardia en cuanto al hardware y...
Category: Universities
Services: Access to Investors
En nuestro ADN está el emprendimiento y el impacto social. Queremos ayudarte a poner en marcha aquellas ideas y proyectos que quieran transformar el mundo Ideas brilantes En cada curso académico de la UCJC Lanzamos los UCJC Lab Awards. Nuestro concurs...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
Through our programs we connect social or environmental impac startups with large organizations to generate a transformation. Entrepreneurs gain knowledge and experience to generate the impact they seek. At UnLtd Spain we call our entrepreneurs Gamecha...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
The Alfonso X el Sabio University and its Foundation promote entrepreneurship among its students from the first courses and advise graduates in their first business projects. The University disseminates graduates projects and we facilitates contact with c...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Networking
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid UAM
UAM Emprende is the entrepreneurship service of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. UAM Emprende makes available to its students a significant amount of resources and tools for entrepreneurship: coworking spaces, specialized mentors, events, awards, grants an...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Universidad CEU San Pablo
The development of entrepreneurship constitutes a fundamental value of the CEU San Pablo University, and is promoted and developed by the Entrepreneurs Club of the COIE, belonging to the Vice-Rector's Office for Students...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Universidad Camilo José Cela UCJC
UCJC with his pioneering contribution to the open classroom education, called “the smart classroom” has created new UCJC spaces focusing on the influence of Learning Spaces: LearningLab and DesignLab. These LABS are open spaces that allow reflection, deba...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Networking, Training
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid UC3M
ENTREPRENEURSHIP SERVICES: • The Social Council of the Carlos III University is the governing body of the university whose primary purpose is the participation of society in the university. Collaborates in the definition of its strategic planning, prom...
Category: Universities
Services: Events, Networking, Training
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid UC3M - Parque Cientifico
UC3M is a public university listed in QS University Rankings. In its relation with society, UC3M acts via its Science Park as a catalyst for local innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem impacting socio-economic development. UC3M Entrepreneurship and ...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM
Complutense University of Madrid has two units to support the university community with a business idea. 1. The Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) under the Office of the Vice Rectorate for Research and Transfer for university scie...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Universidad Europea de Madrid
UEmprende es una iniciativa impulsada desde la Unidad de Empleabilidad & Emprendimiento de la Universidad Europea que pretende despertar el espíritu emprendedor y desarrollar la cultura empresarial de estudiantes y alumni. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
UFV Entrepreneurship Center is a service of the Vice-Rector's Office for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to generate value in the process of innovating and entrepreneurship. Participation in the Entrepreneurship Center is open to anyone who has an innovat...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
EMPRENDELAB is an university community that promotes the entrepreneurial initiative of students and graduates at UNED. Its objectives are to generate an entrepreneurial culture through the development of virtual knowledge, services, tools and actions tha...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Mentoring, Training
Universidad Nebrija
Nebrija University, in collaboration with various companies and institutions, announces the “Young Entrepreneurs” Award, aimed at fostering the entrepreneurial spirit among high school and FP students in our country. Among others, the Award promotes an en...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Networking
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - actúaupm
ACTÚAUPM, the UPM Entrepreneurship Program has as its main objective the generation of innovative companies with high growth potential and supporting the entrepreneurial spirit. It develops its work around four pillars: the business idea, the team, the re...
Category: Universities
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Universidad Pontificia de Comillas UPCO
Comillas Emprende is the Program of the UPCO promoting and supporting entrepreneurial initiatives in the university community. It includes Comillas Startup Picnic, Comillas Emprende Contest, Comillas Entrepreneurship Day, Comillas Inspira, and Tips for en...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos URJC
EmprendeURJC is a complete incubation program open to all social agents, involving the cordination of all the Rey Juan Carlos University entrepreneurial actions. The main objective is transferring and making profitable the University knowledge, creating a...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA
UDIMA has, among its services, the Department of Employment and Entrepreneurship. Its main objective is to make the best-prepared professionals in all areas available to companies, while also providing UDIMA students and alumni with new job opportunities....
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Networking
Universidad de Alcala
The University of Alcalá is a public university with 28,000 students, 2,000 teaching staff and 800 service and administration staff. Its three campuses –the Historic, the Science and Technology and the Guadalajara Campuses— play home to 40 undergraduate d...
Category: Universities
Services: Events, Internationalization, Networking, Training
Unlimiteck Company Builder
Unlimiteck was founded in 2016 by 4 entrepreneurs. With more than 20 years of experience in the technology sector, they decided to start a Company Builder able to launch startups at record speeds. As of today, Unlimiteck has built what was once a dream, a...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Updid ventures
Updid Ventures es un Venture Builder constituido por un equipo de emprendedores especializados en growth, marketing y tecnología. En Updid Ventures construimos negocios digitales, escalables y rentables desde cero. Con nuestra metodología probada, ana...
Flexible and safe workspaces designed to help you adapt to the ever-changing reality. Each Utopicus design is unique and complies with the highest standards of quality, safety, technology and health. 8 spaces in Madrid: FRANCISCO SILVELA, 42 PASEO ...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Working Space
Vivero Empresas Móstoles - URJC
Vivero de Empresas del Ayuntamiento de Móstoles it’s an initiative of the council of Móstoles city, through Móstoles Desarrollo, and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, which manages the incubator. We help entrepreneurs through our fully equiped office buildin...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Wayra - Telefonica Ventures
We scale your start-up. No one gives you more time and better results. We are committed partners. Over the last seven years, we have invested and supported 800 companies to help scale the global start-up ecosystem. We have invested cash and business d...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Diversity of shared offices, designed to promote connection and foster productivity. Wework services allow you to focus on what is really important, as well as having a selection of outdoor workspaces. In addition, access to a global network allows you to...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Events, Networking, Working Space
healthstart madri+d
healthstart is the madri+d Foundation program to support and promote the creation of technological start-ups in the health sector with origin in hospitals, health centers, research centers, universities or independent initiatives in Madrid region. Addr...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training