SPECIALISED PRODUCTS AND BRANCHES Offices specialised in startups, companies with different development and financing models to traditional companies INVESTMENT VEHICLES ·BStartup10: for startups during the initial phases ·Sabadell Venture Capital: for startup seeking series A or B COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION pen and collaborative innovation model. Areas: - Financial solutions: simplification of the use of digital services offered by financial institutions (payments, loans, investment, money management, insurance, etc.) - Big Data:solutions for capturing and exploiting data for personalising products and services. - Internet for Things: objects connected to the Internet, including wearable devices. - Machine learning: analytics, predictive systems and for analysis of the context for use of the services, etc. - Blockchain: optimisation of processes and new business models.
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Target industries
3 startups supported – New startups supported by this entity*
* Only innovative startups founded since 2016 and based in the Madrid Region are listed.
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