Fundación Parque Cientifico de Madrid

Madrid Science Park Foundation is an incubator/accelerator space, offering research labs and offices for new entreprenurial and innovative ventures from all disciplines, with special focus on life sciences and IT. With 20 years of experience, the park has been home of more than 320 start-ups, counting actually with almost 80 projects in its premises. Stakeholders and founders constitute a sound mix of the main regional agents in Madrid innovation ecosystem, following a triple helix model: two founding unviersities (UAM, UCM), two research insitutions (CSIC, CIEMAT), and Madrid City Coucnil. Support services and infrastructures cover an ample range of entrepreneurs and innovators needs, from technical equipment, training, and mentoring to events, networking and internationalization services, as well as special personalized assessment on business development, fund raising, and communication.
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Target industries
biotechnology, cybersecurity, edtech, food & agritech, nanotech & new materials, space, wellness & beauty
Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
29 startups supported – New startups supported by this entity*
Overture Life, Spiral, Medmesafe, Lubaq Corporate, Genaptics, Gantabi, CIDI Salud, Aora Health, Helix Bios, Ultimate Solutions Global, Nektiu S.L., Bioento, smartHAPS, Nanostine, Detektia, GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY&CYBERSECURITY, S.L., Magiquo data live S.L, Ommatidia LiDAR, Ixorigué Technologies, Cyclomed Technologies, Hovering Solutions, Auravant, Xizan, AItenea Biotech, EvoEnzyme, Quasar Science Resources, UTEK, Biohope, Exaccta
* Only innovative startups founded since 2016 and based in the Madrid Region are listed.
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Startups supported by each entity during the period can also be found on the Startup Radar Map.