
Vivero Empresas Móstoles - URJC

Vivero de Empresas del Ayuntamiento de Móstoles it’s an initiative of the council of Móstoles city, through Móstoles Desarrollo, and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, which manages the incubator. We help entrepreneurs through our fully equiped office building provided by the Council and putting at disposal of entrepreneurs the knowledge and means of URJC. What facilities offers the Incubator? - Fully equiped offices. - Internet conection. - Meeting room. - Events hall fully equipped. - Incubation for business plans. - Common services. What services offers the Incubator? - We help to fill in the Business Plan. - Advice and assistance to launch businesses. - Continuous trainning. - Individual tutoring to analyze the evolution of the project. - Orientation on how to minimize error due to a lack of trainning.

Web: https://viveroempresasmostoles.es/

Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators

See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:

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* Only innovative startups founded since 2016 and based in the Madrid Region are listed.
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