
Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM

Complutense University of Madrid has two units to support the university community with a business idea. 1. The Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) under the Office of the Vice Rectorate for Research and Transfer for university scientific entrepreneurship of UCM researchers. 2. CompluEmprende is the Complutense Office of the Entrepreneur, dependent on the Office of the Vice Rectorate for Employability and Entrepreneurship of the UCM for the university entrepreneurship of students. Both units offer the following types of services to their groups: 1. Information on how to develop a business project. 2. Advice on the process of creating a company: pre-incubation, incubation and acceleration. 3. Support in the design of business models. 4. Training for the development of business skills, 5. Related business activities: Congresses, awards, programs, etc.

Web: https://www.ucm.es/otri

Category: Universities

6 startups supported – New startups supported by this entity*

Farm Robotique Lab, Oxifing Health Sport S.L., Mideloy, Saluvet innova, REP Energy Solutions, BrainGuard

See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:

web dealroom

* Only innovative startups founded since 2016 and based in the Madrid Region are listed.
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