Madrid Innovation Driven Ecosystem - MIDE

MIDE is made up of a multi-disciplinary team and functions as an independent non-profit initiative. The project’s aim is to develop the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation in the Madrid region using a global perspective. Our goal is to unify efforts to improve Madrid’s global competitive position and the impact generated in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship. All this with 3 clear purposes: • To create a real collective effort that achieves that Madrid Region makes a big leap forward in entrepreneurship and innovation. • That this economic and social progress in Madrid Region contributes to the development and growth of the different stakeholders in the ecosystem. • Finally, that Madrid Region becomes an international reference able to attract and retain entrepreneurship and innovation capacities and talent.
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
00 startups supported – New startups supported by this entity*
* Only innovative startups founded since 2016 and based in the Madrid Region are listed.
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Startups supported by each entity during the period can also be found on the Startup Radar Map.