Madrid Region Innovative Entrepreneurship Ecosystem - Support Entities
67 entities found.
Accenture Digital Hub
The Accenture Digital Hub in Madrid is an open and collaborative space where we work hand in hand with our clients to devise, prototype and rapidly scale innovative products and services for the digital economy. A space of more than 1.700 m2 located in...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Amadeus Ventures
Amadeus Ventures is a startup investment program where we look for both strategic value and financial returns in all of our investments. Portfolio companies gain access to our extensive global network, industry know-how and technology. They will have oppo...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Antai Ventures
Antai Ventures is a Barcelona-based venture studio with presence across Southern Europe and Latam. Since 2012 we have co-founded +25 companies including Glovo, Wallapop, Nemuru, PlatanoMelon and Vitaance. Our ventures have raised more than $1.5B in fundin...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Networking
Aon Innovation Lab
Aon is a leading global professional services company offering a wide range of risk, retirement and healthcare solutions. Since 2019, the company has Aon Innovation Lab, an open innovation program whose objective is to connect with the entrepreneurial eco...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Atelier by ISEM
Atelier by ISEM, the first Spanish accelerator for fashtech startups, was born in 2017 in ISEM Fashion Business School, center of the University of Navarra Our goal is to boost the Spanish fashion industry together with innovative companies whose techn...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
We grow Startups with knowledge, capital and services, help Corporates in their Open Innovation strategy and connect investors with the best opportunities. BLOOMIUM ACADEMY We work together with entrepreneurial talent in its first moments, when the ...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
CBRE Proptech
Collaborative and open digital innovation platform focused on Real Estate, which has its own tools to favor the generation and consolidation of a growing community, offering startups the possibility of promoting, developing and accelerating their proptech...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Events, Internationalization, Networking, Training
Cemex Ventures
CEMEX Ventures is CEMEX’s corporate venture capital. With a global focus, we invest in innovative construction startups to drive the construction industry revolution. We seek a better future through the construction industry, by bringing together the m...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT)
CIEMAT is a public research body assigned to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the General Secretariat for Research, focusing on energy and environment and the technologies related to them. It has offices in several different regi...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
ChemoStart is a global program that supports startups and companies designing innovative projects in the field of health and healthcare. It provides winning startups with a support program tailored to their specific needs. Each project is assigned a desig...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Working Space
Clean Cities Spain ClimAccelerator
Clean Cities Spain ClimAccelerator is an accelerator programme focused on boosting startups with high maturity level with solutions to the climate challenges we face within cities. This programme is managed and supported by a diverse, international te...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking, Training
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas CSIC
CSIC maximizes the benefit to society and acts as an engine for economic development facilitating the establishment of joint research programs with companies and institutions and supporting the creation of spin-off or Technology-Based Companies (EBTs). ...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Technical Equipment, Training
Crypto Plaza
Crypto hub promoting the crypto sector in Spanish, fostering international relations and bridge between Europe and Latin America. Physical headquarters at the LOOM coworking in Madrid, but you can also access a digital membership aimed both at companies a...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking, Training, Working Space
Cuatrecasas Acelera
Cuatrecasas Acelera is the first startup accelerator in Europe promoted by a law firm, which has already supported almost thirty projects. The acceleration program, that lasts 4 months (from October to February), is focused on startups with a functional ...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking
Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Servicios de Madrid
At the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid we have a comprehensive platform of solutions and services that we put at your disposal in order to boost the start-up of your business or make it grow. What we offer? Solutions from...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
DayOne Caixabank
CaixaBank's service for startups, scaleups and their nvestors, Dayone iis CaixaBank's new service, created to support, develop and accompany all these young companies, with rapid development and global scope of action, which carry out value-added activiti...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking, Working Space
Deloitte StartmeUP
StartmeUP es la plataforma de Deloitte con foco en el ecosistema innovador y centrada en 3 ejes: - Ecosistema emprendedor, donde startups, scaleups y demás emprendedores generan nuevos modelos de negocio, tecnologías y propuestas de valor disruptivas. ...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Desafía (formerly STC) is an initiative created by and ICEX that makes it easier for Spanish SMEs to enter the most innovative technological ecosystems in the world. Desafía advises, accompanies and connects with key agents, through experts within ...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Networking
Draper B1
We are long-term investors in seed startups. We have backed more than 200 founders over the past 10 years, working closely with them at every stage. We're part of the Draper Venture Network. The network brings together over 25 independent VC firms from...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking
EDP Energy Starter
EDP Energy Starter es un programa de innovación abierta diseñado para colaborar con startups y scaleups en el desarrollo de soluciones disruptivas para la transición energética. Este programa se estructura en torno a tres áreas clave: Future Grids, Renewa...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
EIE - European Institute for Entrepreneurship
The European Institue for Entrepreneurship (EIE) is a pioneering organization created by a group of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. The overall mission is to promote entrepreneurship. At EIE we give particular importance to people and not just exclusivel...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking
EIT Digital
1. EIT Digital Venture Incubation Program: The program provides a fast-paced journey for entrepreneurs - from idea conception to securing investment in less than a year. Participants develop their ideas into Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), validate them ...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking
EIT Food
EIT Food Entrepreneurship apoya a las empresas innovadoras, investigadoras, emprendedoras y a las startups AgriFoodTech de gran impacto, en cada paso del camino, desde las propuestas de negocio, la validación del mercado, la aceleración del negocio, la va...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Networking, Training
EIT InnoEnergy
EIT InnoEnergy es una empresa europea en el ámbito de las energías sostenibles que se dedica a apoyar la investigación, el desarrollo y la comercialización de soluciones innovadoras. Ofrece servicios de financiación, educación y asesoramiento a empresas e...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
ESA BIC Madrid Region
ESA BIC Madrid Region is the Business Incubation Centre of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Community of Madrid, coordinated by the madri+d Foundation. ESA BIC incubatees can use space technology for general non-space industrial and commercial u...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Eatable Adventures
Eatable Adventures help startups in the AgriFood Tech space establish and grow. Our intensive four-month, hands-on program connects entrepreneurs with our international mentor network, including top industry leaders, industry disruptors and innovative en...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
We are Elewit, the technology platform of the Red Eléctrica Group. We were founded in 2019 to offer solutions to the new challenges in the electricity and telecommunications sectors. Our goal: to promote energy transition and connectivity for a sustainabl...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC, Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Enagas Emprende
Enagás Emprende is the Innovation Corporate Venturing programme of Enagás, created to invest, colaborate and accelerate innovative projects in the field of energy transition. It looks for the projects and startups in the preseed and seed stage with the ai...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Endeavor Spain
Endeavor is a global organization that selects and supports high-impact entrepreneurs to catalyze their long-term development. Through its offices, present in 38 markets on 5 continents, Endeavor identifies entrepreneurs who lead fast-growing companies an...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking
Enel Innovation Hub Europe
Enel Innovation Hub Europe is member of the network of hubs Enel Group, parent company of the Spanish utility Endesa, has created in the most relevant innovation ecosystems to identify those startups, scaleups and SMEs able to solve the innovation challen...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment
Enterprise Europe Network
Enterprise Europe Network madri+d es un proyecto cofinanciado por la Comisión Europea, dentro del programa COSME, que proporciona asistencia profesional especializada a las empresas y grupos de investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid, ofreciendo servicios...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Training
Escuela de Organización Industrial - EOI
EOI is an International benchmark with more than 20 years experience training entrepreneurs and developing business creation programs, always standing out for the methodological innovation of our programs. Other EOI Entrepreneurship programmes are: Cir...
Category: Universities
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
FI Boost
FI BOOST is the acceleration program supported by FI Group, that offers the following services to Spanish (B2B or B2B2C) startups: - Access to markets through connection to a network of more than 4.000 national and 18.000 international clients of FI Gr...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Events, Internationalization, Networking, Training, Working Space
Ferrovial - Build Up!
BuildUp! is Ferrovial's open innovation initiative to foster entrepreneurial talent and provide sustainable solutions to the company's internal needs. Under this initiative, Ferrovial proposes challenges and looks for startups with proven solutions that w...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking
Founder Institute
Founder Institute is the largest global network of startups and mentors helping entrepreneurs launch meaningful and enduring technology companies. Its four-month training program helps launch companies with expert training, feedback and support from exper...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking
Fundacion Biodiversidad - Red Emprendeverde
The Red Emprendeverde (REV) is an initiative of the Fundación Biodiversidad of the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, to promote the creation and consolidation of companies or new lines of business in activities rela...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Fundación Parque Cientifico de Madrid
Madrid Science Park Foundation is an incubator/accelerator space, offering research labs and offices for new entreprenurial and innovative ventures from all disciplines, with special focus on life sciences and IT. With 20 years of experience, the park...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
GR-EX World Congress
GR-EX World Congress is a B2B international exhibition on innovation, robotics and related technologies, annually held in IFEMA, Madrid, Spain. All sectors represented: The multisectoral essence of GR-EX makes it unique and allows the creation of ...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking
Google for Startups Campus Madrid
Google's space for startups in Madrid. The Google for Startups Campuses are spaces where entrepreneurs can learn, network and create companies that will change the world. The Campuses are part of an international network that also includes São Paulo, S...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Access to Investors, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
IE Venture Lab
Venture Lab is the IE Business School's startup acceleration program. It helps IE students and alumni increase the pace at which they develop their business ideas by being part of a boot camp that helps them prepare their projects for presentation to inve...
Category: Universities
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
ISDI Accelerator
ISDI Accelerator was born in 2014 with the objective of channeling the entrepreneurial interest of the ISDI students and to boost and professionalize the startup market in Europe. Our first startup acceleration program, IMPACT, marked a milestone on the c...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Impact Accelerator
IMPACT accelerator, led by ISDI & FundingBox, offers startups a rigorous and delocalized acceleration experience, supported by a combination of equity-free cash and VC funding. Check our current programmes: RobotUnion - https://www.impact-accelerato...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Impact Hub Madrid
Impact Hub is the world’s largest community (14,000+ members) and accelerator for a sustainable economy. With 120+ locations across five continents, in more than 70 countries, we inspire, connect and enable people and companies to drive positive change. W...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
International Lab - Ayuntamiento de Madrid
International Lab (iLAB) is an internationally oriented innovation center of the Madrid City Council. iLAB is located in the building which was erected in the 19th century to house the municipal laboratory. This building has preserved its scientific an...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking, Training, Working Space
KPMG Innova Valley
We are looking for startups and specialized companies that have disruptive technological solutions that allow us to provide new services of great added value to our clients. Startups with a clear innovative vision, speed of development of solutions, flexi...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking
Kairós Ventures
CORPORATE VENTURE PROGRAM OF THE KAIRÓS DS GROUP We are looking for startups with technological solutions in the strategic lines of innovation of Kairós DS. We want to promote projects that can respond to technological challenges in our business sector...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Las Rozas Innova
We are Las Rozas Innova, the Public Innovation Company of Las Rozas City Council. We promote the technological and innovative ecosystem of the city. We attract and connect talent, entrepreneurship, companies and Public Administration for the development...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
MAPFRE insur_space
insur_space es el programa fast-track-to-market de MAPFRE para startups y scaleups. Insur_space nació en 2018 con el propósito de crear relaciones win-win entre el Grupo MAPFRE y el ecosistema emprendedor: las startups escaláis vuestro producto y acced...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization
Porsche Accelerator
The Porsche Accelerator Program is the bridge between the brand and those external projects that can help it in the future to enhance the experience of its customers. Acceleration program carried out together with Conector Startup Accelerator aimed at ...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
Ports 4.0
The Ports 4,0 equity fund is the corporate open innovation model adopted by the Spanish State Port Authorities to attract, support and facilitate the application of talent and entrepreneurship to the Spanish public and private ports sector, within the con...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
RENFE Trenlab
TrenLab is the startups global acceleration program of Renfe in partnership with Wayra. It is the open innovation hub for mobility, transport and logistics. We work hands on with startups, Renfe and Telefónica business units to accelerate the best project...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking
RTVE Impulsavision
Impulsa Visión RTVE is an initiative of this public broadcasting corporation to support entrepreneurship, innovation and scientific research in the Audiovisual Sector. Impulsa Visión was born in 2015 as a startup accelerator and was the first of these...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Working Space
SEK Lab is the first Edtech Accelerator in Spain. The Open innovation area at SEK Education Group with SEK Schools and Camilo Jose Cela University. We look for the best innovators in education in Spain and Globally. We offer them a 6 months acce...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
SILO acelera startups BIO
El Programa Acelera Startups Sectorial Biotech está formado por tres fases: Un bloque de formación en las materias críticas para las startups biotech, un plan de aceleración personalizado y un conjunto de iniciativas de networking y conexión con inversore...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC, Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training