Madrid Region Innovative Entrepreneurship Ecosystem - Support Entities
57 entities found.
I’MNOVATION #Startups extends ACCIONA’s innovative focus towards an open innovation model. An initiative designed to detect disruptive technologies that will define a before and after in business models of the sector. We are looking for Start-ups offer...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment
Innovación tecnológica para impulsar una industria más sostenible Unidos por un futuro de cero emisiones ArcelorMittal, Holcim, Iberia y Repsol compartimos un objetivo común: alcanzar las cero emisiones netas en 2050. Por eso, nos unimos en All4Zer...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Accenture Digital Hub
The Accenture Digital Hub in Madrid is an open and collaborative space where we work hand in hand with our clients to devise, prototype and rapidly scale innovative products and services for the digital economy. A space of more than 1.700 m2 located in...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Aena Ventures
At Aena, we are launching the 2nd edition of Aena Ventures, our global acceleration and open innovation program that helps us achieve a very clear goal: to lead the airport revolution through innovation. In this new edition of Aena Ventures, we are loo...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Amadeus Ventures
Amadeus Ventures is a startup investment program where we look for both strategic value and financial returns in all of our investments. Portfolio companies gain access to our extensive global network, industry know-how and technology. They will have oppo...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
CEI Montegancedo UPM - Centro de Apoyo a la Innovación Tecnológica (CAIT)
The Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) has taken advantage of the recognition by the Ministry of Education of its Montegancedo Campus as a Campus of International Excellence in 2010 to support the creation of the Technological Innovation Support Cente...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Centro de Innovación en Economía Circular (CIEC)
El CIEC (Centro de Innovación en Economía Circular) es un espacio de innovación del Ayuntamiento de Madrid centrado en la Economía Circular. Se conforma como un nodo de innovación, de conocimiento y de creación de redes en torno a la Economía Circular, co...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT)
CIEMAT is a public research body assigned to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the General Secretariat for Research, focusing on energy and environment and the technologies related to them. It has offices in several different regi...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas CSIC
CSIC maximizes the benefit to society and acts as an engine for economic development facilitating the establishment of joint research programs with companies and institutions and supporting the creation of spin-off or Technology-Based Companies (EBTs). ...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Technical Equipment, Training
Since 2017, Correoslabs has been working side-by-side with start-ups who want to grow with Correos. Their objective is to support startups in whatever they need, to create long-lasting and effective relationships. They want to establish real synergies...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Events, Funding or Equity, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Deloitte StartmeUP
StartmeUP es la plataforma de Deloitte con foco en el ecosistema innovador y centrada en 3 ejes: - Ecosistema emprendedor, donde startups, scaleups y demás emprendedores generan nuevos modelos de negocio, tecnologías y propuestas de valor disruptivas. ...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
EDP Energy Starter
EDP Energy Starter es un programa de innovación abierta diseñado para colaborar con startups y scaleups en el desarrollo de soluciones disruptivas para la transición energética. Este programa se estructura en torno a tres áreas clave: Future Grids, Renewa...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
ESA BIC Madrid Region
ESA BIC Madrid Region is the Business Incubation Centre of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Community of Madrid, coordinated by the madri+d Foundation. ESA BIC incubatees can use space technology for general non-space industrial and commercial u...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Eatable Adventures
Eatable Adventures help startups in the AgriFood Tech space establish and grow. Our intensive four-month, hands-on program connects entrepreneurs with our international mentor network, including top industry leaders, industry disruptors and innovative en...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Enagas Emprende
Enagás Emprende is the Innovation Corporate Venturing programme of Enagás, created to invest, colaborate and accelerate innovative projects in the field of energy transition. It looks for the projects and startups in the preseed and seed stage with the ai...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Enel Innovation Hub Europe
Enel Innovation Hub Europe is member of the network of hubs Enel Group, parent company of the Spanish utility Endesa, has created in the most relevant innovation ecosystems to identify those startups, scaleups and SMEs able to solve the innovation challen...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment
Fondo de Emprendedores (Fundación Repsol)
An initiative by Repsol Foundation to support innovative startups that provide solutions to the challenges of the energy transition such as decarbonization, the circular economy, or digitalization of the energy industry. An ideal program for startups read...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Mentoring, Technical Equipment
Fundación Parque Cientifico de Madrid
Madrid Science Park Foundation is an incubator/accelerator space, offering research labs and offices for new entreprenurial and innovative ventures from all disciplines, with special focus on life sciences and IT. With 20 years of experience, the park...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Fundación Pfizer
Impulsamos la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación, promoviendo su acercamiento a los ciudadanos para responder a las necesidades del Sistema en beneficio de la salud y del bienestar de la población. Innomakers4Health: Evento en formato hackathon ...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Mentoring, Technical Equipment, Training
Fundación para la investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario 12 de octubre
Category: Hospitals
Services: Advice or Business Development, Mentoring, Technical Equipment
The Foundation for the Development and Technological Innovation (Funditec) is a private non-profit TECHNOLOGY CENTER located in Madrid. Funditec plays a key role in the value chain of technology development offering sustainable and secure R&D projects to ...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment
Realizamos investigaciones relevantes en todos los aspectos relacionados con el agua. IMDEA Agua es una organización sin ánimo de lucro, constituida como Fundación. Pertenece a la red de Institutos IMDEA constituida en 2006 por la Comunidad de Madrid y ti...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment, Training
IMDEA Energía
El Instituto IMDEA Energía fue creado por el Gobierno regional de la Comunidad de Madrid con el objetivo de promover actividades de I+D relacionadas con la energía que contribuyan a afrontar los retos mundiales en materia de sostenibilidad energética. ...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment, Training
The overall aim is to undertake world class research into food, nutrition and health, and to identify nutritional strategies of economic and social value. Activities developed are the study of molecular mechanisms of human body, physiological effects of ...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Events, Funding or Equity, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
IMDEA Materiales
The IMDEA Materials Institute, one of the seven Madrid Institutes for Advanced Studies (IMDEA), is a public research centre founded in 2007 by Madrid’s regional government. The goal of the Institute is to do research at the forefront of Material Science a...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Networking, Technical Equipment
IMDEA Nanociencia
IMDEA Nanociencia is an interdisciplinary research Centre dedicated to the exploration of basic nanoscience and the development of applications of nanotechnology in connection with innovative industries. IMDEA Nanociencia provides new capacity for rese...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Events, Funding or Equity, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
IMDEA Networks
IMDEA Networks Institute is a research organization on data networks, whose multinational team is engaged in cutting-edge fundamental science and technology. Some keywords that define us: 5G, 6G, Big Data, blockchain and distributed ledgers, cloud comp...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Events, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
IMDEA Software
The main focus of the IMDEA Software Institute (the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Software Development Technologies) is to perform the research of excellence required to devise methods that will allow the cost-effective development of software ...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Events, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Impact Hub Madrid
Impact Hub is the world’s largest community (14,000+ members) and accelerator for a sustainable economy. With 120+ locations across five continents, in more than 70 countries, we inspire, connect and enable people and companies to drive positive change. W...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Indraventures is the driver around which the company's corporate innovation is organized. The main functions of Indraventures are: Channel and support collaboration and partnerships with external agents of the Innovation Ecosystem: universities, techn...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Technical Equipment, Training
Instituto Nacional de Inv. y Tec. Agraria y Alimentaria INIA
INIA's mission, in coordination with the equivalent institutions of the Autonomous Regions is to contribute to continuous and sustainable progress through development of environmentally friendly technologies. Its priority objectives are to satisfy the new...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Funding or Equity, Networking, Technical Equipment
Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial - INTA
El Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial es el Organismo Público de Investigación (OPI) dependiente del Ministerio de Defensa. Además de realizar actividades de investigación científica y de desarrollo de sistemas y prototipos en su ámbito de conocim...
Category: Research Centers
Services: Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment
Somos un venture builder especializado en foodtech y nutrición que busca oportunidades y crea spinoffs en colaboración con universidades, centros tecnológicos e instituciones científicas. Contribuimos a que la ciencia resuelva los retos de los sistemas al...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment
Kairós Ventures
CORPORATE VENTURE PROGRAM OF THE KAIRÓS DS GROUP We are looking for startups with technological solutions in the strategic lines of innovation of Kairós DS. We want to promote projects that can respond to technological challenges in our business sector...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
The space where you work also defines you, it says a lot about you, your project, your company’s culture and the people who make up your team. That is why at LOOM we home in on your personality and adapt to your needs. We are flexible. We provide works...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Working Space
Living Cells
Somos la Bioincubadora de Madrid Sur. Ofrecemos laboratorios cualificados y equipados con suministros y técnicas instrumentales, así como acceso a redes de profesionales y expertos. Nuestros servicios se dirigen a proyectos, startups y empresas de base bi...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces, Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
MaSID. Madrid Science Innovation District
LABioincubadora - 1.950m2 de nuevas instalaciones en MASID, el primer ecosistema de ciencia e innovación de Madrid. LABioincubadora ofrece laboratorios privados, a medida y llave en mano, con las infraestructuras, instalaciones y equipamientos comunes ...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces, Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Madrid Food Innovation Hub
Primer centro de emprendimiento en alimentación de Madrid. Una iniciativa pionera enfocada a fomentar la innovación y el emprendimiento a lo largo de toda la cadena de valor agroalimentaria. Ven a la Cocina-LAB de Madrid Food Innovation Hub y convierte t...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Madrid in Game
Programas de apoyo a emprendedores relacionados con el sector del videojuego, la gamificación y los Esports de 6 meses de duración en el que los participantes obtendrán formación, el apoyo de mentores especialistas, acceso a inversores; además de acceder ...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Medvida Partners
CNP Start is the entrepreneur support program launched by CNP Partners to help, mentor and advise in the start-up of innovative projects and in the development of their business idea. With this program we seek initiatives that focus on the areas of use...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Mentoring, Technical Equipment, Working Space
ONCE Innova
Reto de innovación abierta en el que se buscan startups, scale-ups o pymes digitales que puedan responder a cualquier necesidad, dentro de las dos grandes categorías que se definen a continuación, o sobre los retos concretos detectados por la organización...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Technical Equipment, Training
Openvia by Globalvia
Globalvia is a worldwide infrastructure concession management leader which has been ranked in the top positions by number of concessions. The company, established in 2007 and leaded by three international pension funds, manages 25 projects in seven differ...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment
PERSEO - Iberdrola
Since its creation, PERSEO has invested 70 million in start-ups that develop innovative technologies and business models, focusing on those that improve the sustainability of the energy sector through greater electrification and decarbonization of the eco...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Networking, Technical Equipment
PWC Tax & Legal Tech Springboard
Es el programa de aceleración de startups de PwC Tax & Legal, con el soporte de Microsoft, creado con el objetivo de impulsar, en el mercado español, soluciones legaltech y taxtech. ¿A quién va dirigido? ➔ Startups Tax & Legal Tech internacionales con u...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Mentoring, Technical Equipment
Puerta Innovación
Centro de innovación del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Este centro ofrece espacios compartidos de trabajo gratuitos para el alojamiento de proyectos innovadores y cuenta también con diferentes salas para la celebración de eventos como conferencias, mesas red...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Networking, Technical Equipment, Working Space
RTVE Impulsavision
Impulsa Visión RTVE is an initiative of this public broadcasting corporation to support entrepreneurship, innovation and scientific research in the Audiovisual Sector. Impulsa Visión was born in 2015 as a startup accelerator and was the first of these...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Working Space
Sacyr iChallenges
Sacyr iChallenges is our open innovation program and one of the pillars of our innovation and digital transformation strategy, based on a commitment of collaboration and co-creation with the innovative ecosystem at a global level. Our program is aimed at...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment
Spain Foodtech
PROGRAMA DE ACELERACIÓN DE ALTO RENDIMIENTO PARA STARTUPS AGRI-FOODTECH Tiene por objetivo apoyar la construcción y el desarrollo de sólidas startups españolas en el ambito del agri-food-tech, capaces de competir a escala global y de convertirse en un ...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment
TheCUBE Madrid
TheCUBE es un ecosistema de innovación de referencia con impacto global. Nuestra misión es ayudar a grandes corporaciones y scale-ups a generar nuevos negocios innovadores a través de un enfoque colaborativo único que incluye la co-creación de startup...
Category: Coworkings & Innovation Spaces
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid UAM
UAM Emprende is the entrepreneurship service of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. UAM Emprende makes available to its students a significant amount of resources and tools for entrepreneurship: coworking spaces, specialized mentors, events, awards, grants an...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid UC3M - Parque Cientifico
UC3M is a public university listed in QS University Rankings. In its relation with society, UC3M acts via its Science Park as a catalyst for local innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem impacting socio-economic development. UC3M Entrepreneurship and ...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM
Complutense University of Madrid has two units to support the university community with a business idea. 1. The Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) under the Office of the Vice Rectorate for Research and Transfer for university scie...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - actúaupm
ACTÚAUPM, the UPM Entrepreneurship Program has as its main objective the generation of innovative companies with high growth potential and supporting the entrepreneurial spirit. It develops its work around four pillars: the business idea, the team, the re...
Category: Universities
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos URJC
EmprendeURJC is a complete incubation program open to all social agents, involving the cordination of all the Rey Juan Carlos University entrepreneurial actions. The main objective is transferring and making profitable the University knowledge, creating a...
Category: Universities
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training