The overall aim is to undertake world class research into food, nutrition and health, and to identify nutritional strategies of economic and social value. Activities developed are the study of molecular mechanisms of human body, physiological effects of chronic disease, and how these are related to nutrients. Nutritional strategies need to be designed and validated with precision nutrition in mind, and must therefore focus on particular characteristics of individuals IMDEA Food organises its activities around: 1. Science: Advancing scientific knowledge in the area. 2. Business: Contributing towards the economic development and competitiveness of the food industry via the design and validation of nutritional strategies and food products for chronic diseases. 3. Society: Contributing towards the reduction of healthcare costs and improving wellbeing through study of the relationship between diet and health, communication programmes, and dissemination of nutrition advice
Category: Research Centers
Target industries
Events, Funding or Equity, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
2 startups supported – New startups supported by this entity*
* Only innovative startups founded since 2016 and based in the Madrid Region are listed.
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