Madrid Region Innovative Entrepreneurship Ecosystem - Support Entities
36 entities found.
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detecta y resuelve pain points sectoriales a través de la creación de negocios innovadores. Son agnósticos a la tecnología, priorizando la solución sobre la herramienta, y combinando estrategia, capital y talento. Exploran oportunidades en múltiples secto...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Alastria is a non-profit association that promotes the digital economy through the development of decentralised ledger technologies/Blockchain. Alastria has the clear vocation to become a pioneering project of reference in the generation of new Digital...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Networking, Training
Anima Ventures
We are a Company Builder that designs affordable solutions to social problems. We set up companies that follow two principles: Bottom-up: we design the characteristics of the product with the people who feel and live the need. Double objective: w...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development
Antai Ventures
Antai Ventures is a Barcelona-based venture studio with presence across Southern Europe and Latam. Since 2012 we have co-founded +25 companies including Glovo, Wallapop, Nemuru, PlatanoMelon and Vitaance. Our ventures have raised more than $1.5B in fundin...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Networking
Blue Ocean leading drivers (BOLD)
BOld (Blue Ocean Leading Drivers) es una organización global que selecciona cuidadosamente y apoya, con la ayuda de sus inversores, startups de alto valor en el sector marítimo. BOld identifica emprendedores y los ayuda a alcanzar su máximo potencial, con...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators, Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Training
Byld, el primer ‘corporate venture builder’ de España, construye negocios junto a grandes corporaciones. Su modelo se centra en apalancar los principales activos de una compañía (clientes, distribución, know-how, propiedad intelectual, recursos…) en la nu...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development
Cink Venturing
CONSULTORA DE EMPRENDIMIENTO E INNOVACIÓN ABIERTA Somos una consultora especializada en el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de programas de emprendimiento e innovación para instituciones públicas y privadas. En CINK apostamos por decir lo que pens...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC, Coworkings & Innovation Spaces, Private Incubators / Accelerators, Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Training, Working Space
Centrado exclusivamente en productos de IA, con sede en Madrid. Fundada en 2016 como consultora de IA y machine learning, la compañía dio el salto en 2023 al desarrollo de productos propios. Los productos de Clintell se diseñan con una visión modular y en...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Customia ayuda a crear, validar y escalar empresas aportando metodología y un equipo por horas cualificado, reduciendo el tiempo y el coste en la gestión de proyectos. A diferencia de la contratación interna, Customia permite construir equipos que pos...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators, Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Training
Demium Startups
Demium es una empresa de inversión de talento fundada en Valencia en 2013 con el objetivo de apoyar a los mejores profesionales y ayudarles a llevar a cabo proyectos de éxito, siempre con un componente eminentemente digital y tecnológico. En noviembre de ...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Training, Working Space
Desafía (formerly STC) is an initiative created by and ICEX that makes it easier for Spanish SMEs to enter the most innovative technological ecosystems in the world. Desafía advises, accompanies and connects with key agents, through experts within ...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Internationalization, Networking
Draper B1
We are long-term investors in seed startups. We have backed more than 200 founders over the past 10 years, working closely with them at every stage. We're part of the Draper Venture Network. The network brings together over 25 independent VC firms from...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking
Eleven Lab
Eleven Lab is an innovation lab specialized in the use of strategic design methodologies to help startups, companies and corporations to shape new ideas, to validate products and services or to consolidate their position in the market. With experience...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Mentoring
We are Elewit, the technology platform of the Red Eléctrica Group. We were founded in 2019 to offer solutions to the new challenges in the electricity and telecommunications sectors. Our goal: to promote energy transition and connectivity for a sustainabl...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC, Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Empresa y Sociedad
Empresa y Sociedad is a foundation created in 1995. Since then, it has concentrated its activity on generating social change and impact thanks to innovation B2B ECOSYSTEM - It is an active, open, and collaborative forum in which...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Networking
Factoría de Industrias Creativas
We promote entrepreneurship, talent, creativity and innovation in the Cultural Industry. If you are part of the Cultural and Creative Industry, we are your ally: we accompany entrepreneurs and professionals in the sustainability of their projects; we con...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Events, Networking, Training
Fundación Rafael del Pino
The Foundation rafael del Pino contributes to training Spanish leaders and entrepreneurs, to disseminating knowledge and defending freedom, mainly by promoting individual free initiative and the principles of free markets and business freedom. Likewise, t...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Events, Training
Defendemos a emprendedores e innovadores ansiosos por impulsar su crecimiento para reescribir su futuro a través de oportunidades de financiación fáciles de aplicar y programas de aceleración personalizados. Hacemos coincidir marcas e inversores global...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Training, Working Space
GBO - The Unboring Business Club
GBO es el club de networking para empresarios/as, emprendedores/as, CEO e inversores. Desde su programa GBO Startup Hub, desarrollado y dedicado a apoyar a las startups durante las primeras fases de su desarrollo, GBO sirve de impulso al ecosistema. El...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking
GR-EX World Congress
GR-EX World Congress is a B2B international exhibition on innovation, robotics and related technologies, annually held in IFEMA, Madrid, Spain. All sectors represented: The multisectoral essence of GR-EX makes it unique and allows the creation of ...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking
Hotusa Ventures
COMPROMETIDOS CON LA INNOVACIÓN EN EL SECTOR TURÍSTICO Hotusa Ventures es un fondo de capital corporativo impulsado por Grupo Hotusa, una iniciativa empresarial que se compromete a ayudar a emprendedores a construir y desarrollar empresas tecnológicas o...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Funding or Equity
idear, conceptualizar y lanzar startups al mercado de la mano de emprendedores que se encargan de escalarlas como empresas independientes. Gracias a su experiencia trabajando con corporaciones a través de Igeneris desde 2011, en 2021 lanzaron Igeneris Ven...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Somos un venture builder especializado en foodtech y nutrición que busca oportunidades y crea spinoffs en colaboración con universidades, centros tecnológicos e instituciones científicas. Contribuimos a que la ciencia resuelva los retos de los sistemas al...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment
Madrid Innovation Driven Ecosystem - MIDE
MIDE is made up of a multi-disciplinary team and functions as an independent non-profit initiative. The project’s aim is to develop the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation in the Madrid region using a global perspective. Our goal is to unify effo...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Events, Networking
Mutua Madrileña
Mutua Madrileña promotes its internal transformation processes with the external innovation provided by startups, allowing the company access to new market trends and build new innovative business projects. Mutua Madrileña participates in the capital o...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Funding or Equity, Networking
SBA Spain
Somos un equipo de profesionales senior con dilatada experiencia en gestión empresarial en diferentes sectores y áreas profesionales. Por eso apostamos por ayudar a emprendedores no sólo con financiación sino aportando nuestros conocimiento y experie...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators, Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity
Seed and Grow Ventures
Identificación de oportunidades: utilizamos nuestra red global y experiencia para descubrir inversiones con alto potencial de crecimiento. Contamos con un dealflow seleccionado cuidadosamente, para darte acceso a oportunidades únicas. Conocimiento comp...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Sonar Ventures
Sonar Ventures is a venture builder, a company that creates new companies. We believe that startups are one of the most effective ways to have a real impact on people's lives. Our mission is to change the world through innovation and technology. We col...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity
South Summit
South Summit is the most valuable networking for entreprenurship. A unique place for the world’s leading companies, startups, investors and institutions that want to accelerate innovation, build lasting relationships, identify opportunities and generate b...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Networking
Spanish Startups
Born in 2017 and based in Madrid, we support entrepreneurs from all over Spain and abroad, providing support through our website, social networks and biweekly newsletter. We are also part of the Madrid Tech City Board. Our goal is to connect and suppor...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators, Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Networking
Aceleradora y plataforma de coinversión especializada en deporte, innovación y tecnología. Ponemos a tu disposición los recursos necesarios para ayudarte con el crecimiento de tu proyecto en el mundo del deporte. Pioneros en combinar innovación, emprendi...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators, Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Networking
The Fringe Labs
Venture builder de Real estate, totalmente independiente y operado por fundadores y para fundadores. Funciona como una factoría de startups especializada en el sector Proptech y Data. Crean startups desde cero, sustentadas por un ecosistema de clientes, p...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
The lab ventures
buscamos a los mejores emprendedores de hoy para montar las mejores empresas del mañana. Invierten en sectores de baja transformación digital, Saas o managed marketplace, B2B o B2B2C, España y Latam y entran en fases seed y preserie A con rangos de aporta...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
We co-invest with the founders of the project in the constitution of the company and the creation of the necessary structure for its business model. More than ten years of experience investing in projects and startups allow us to share knowledge of Mar...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity
Unlimiteck Company Builder
Unlimiteck was founded in 2016 by 4 entrepreneurs. With more than 20 years of experience in the technology sector, they decided to start a Company Builder able to launch startups at record speeds. As of today, Unlimiteck has built what was once a dream, a...
Category: Venture Builders or Facilitators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space