Madrid Region Innovative Entrepreneurship Ecosystem - Support Entities
8 entities found.
Accenture Digital Hub
The Accenture Digital Hub in Madrid is an open and collaborative space where we work hand in hand with our clients to devise, prototype and rapidly scale innovative products and services for the digital economy. A space of more than 1.700 m2 located in...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Aceleradora GOBE Ventures
Gobe Ventures es la aceleradora govtech de Gobe, estudio especializado en innovación y transformación digital govtech. Tras más de 10 bootcamps realizados con más de 100 startups, lanza el primer programa de aceleración para impulsar la estrategia de vent...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Deloitte StartmeUP
StartmeUP es la plataforma de Deloitte con foco en el ecosistema innovador y centrada en 3 ejes: - Ecosistema emprendedor, donde startups, scaleups y demás emprendedores generan nuevos modelos de negocio, tecnologías y propuestas de valor disruptivas. ...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training
Fundación Parque Cientifico de Madrid
Madrid Science Park Foundation is an incubator/accelerator space, offering research labs and offices for new entreprenurial and innovative ventures from all disciplines, with special focus on life sciences and IT. With 20 years of experience, the park...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
Indraventures is the driver around which the company's corporate innovation is organized. The main functions of Indraventures are: Channel and support collaboration and partnerships with external agents of the Innovation Ecosystem: universities, techn...
Category: Corporate Incubator Accelerator or VC
Services: Advice or Business Development, Funding or Equity, Technical Equipment, Training
Somos una consultora financiera especializada en startups y pymes innovadoras. Ofrecemos servicios de CFO externo, búsqueda y consecución de financación pública y privada bajo un modelo a éxito. A su vez, gestionamos 3 vehículos de inversión privada a tra...
Category: Private Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Funding or Equity
Vivero Empresas Móstoles - URJC
Vivero de Empresas del Ayuntamiento de Móstoles it’s an initiative of the council of Móstoles city, through Móstoles Desarrollo, and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, which manages the incubator. We help entrepreneurs through our fully equiped office buildin...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space
healthstart madri+d
healthstart is the madri+d Foundation program to support and promote the creation of technological start-ups in the health sector with origin in hospitals, health centers, research centers, universities or independent initiatives in Madrid region. Addr...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training