Madrid Region Innovative Entrepreneurship Ecosystem - Support Entities
2 entities found.
Fundacion Biodiversidad - Red Emprendeverde
The Red Emprendeverde (REV) is an initiative of the Fundación Biodiversidad of the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, to promote the creation and consolidation of companies or new lines of business in activities rela...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Advice or Business Development, Events, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Training
Vivero Empresas Móstoles - URJC
Vivero de Empresas del Ayuntamiento de Móstoles it’s an initiative of the council of Móstoles city, through Móstoles Desarrollo, and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, which manages the incubator. We help entrepreneurs through our fully equiped office buildin...
Category: Public Incubators / Accelerators
Services: Access to Investors, Advice or Business Development, Events, Funding or Equity, Internationalization, Mentoring, Networking, Technical Equipment, Training, Working Space