

Web: https://festeapay.com

Founding Year: 2020

Business model:

Income stream: commission

Business Focus: B2B

Address: Calle Manzares 4, 28005, Madrid

Short Description (in Spanish): Plataforma de pagos para grandes recintos

Overview (in Spanish): FesteaPay es un servicio de pagos vía móvil para grandes eventos, los asistentes realizan su pedido y lo pagan desde el móvil evitando el uso de tokens o taquillas de tickets. Los promotores pueden ver en tiempo real la saturación de las barras y una vez pasado el evento los datos de consumo y contabilidad así como una previsión de stock para próximos eventos con inteligencia artifical.

Overview (in english): FesteaPay is a mobile payment service for large events, attendees place their order and pay from their mobile, avoiding the use of tokens or ticket booths. Promoters can see the saturation of the bars in real time and, once the event has passed, the consumption and accounting data, as well as a stock forecast for upcoming events with artificial intelligence.

Patents: 0

See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:

web dealroom


event tech, fintech


data analytics, mobile app


ODS 12: Responsible Consumption and Production