Founding Year: 2018
Business model:
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Business Focus: B2C
Address: C/ AGUILAR DE CAMPOO 29, 28039, Madrid
Short Description (in Spanish): HBWell es la primera "Fintech for Health" global especializada en la comercialización de salud
Overview (in Spanish): El sector salud belleza y bienestar es un mercado atomizado. La mayoría de estos (9%) no están agrupados en cadenas. Para aquellos centros que no pertenecen a ese 1% ser visibles y poder competir es su mayor problema.
Overview (in english): The health, beauty and wellness sector is an atomized market. Most of these (90%) are not grouped into chains. For those centers that do not belong to that 10%, being visible and being able to compete is their biggest problem.
Patents: 0
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