Qaleon Solution
Founding Year: 2018
Business model: saas
Income stream: subscription
Business Focus: B2B
Address: Guadalquivir 22, 28002, Madrid
Short Description (in Spanish): Soluciones Tecnológicas de IA y BI para empresas
Overview (in Spanish): Soluciones de Inteligencia Artificial y Business Intelligence para empresas. Creamos experiencias para los usuarios, y extraemos valor de los datos generados, que ayudan a incrementar el volumen de negocio de nuestros clientes.
Overview (in english): Artificial Intelligence and Business Intelligence solutions for companies. We create experiences for users, and extract value from the data generated, which helps increase the volume of business for our clients.
Patents: 0
See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:
enterprise software
artificial intelligence, data analytics, deep learning, iot internetofthings, machine learning, natural language processing, recognition technology, software and platforms
ODS 04: Quality Education, ODS 05: Gender Equality, ODS 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth, ODS 09: Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, ODS 10: Reducing Inequality, ODS 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, ODS 17: Partnerships for the Goals