
Geistek Pharma

Web: http://geistek.com

Founding Year: 2020

Business model:

Income stream: selling own inventory

Business Focus: B2B

Address: Calle Mauricio Legendre, 16, 28046, Madrid

Short Description (in Spanish): Geistek Pharma

Overview (in Spanish): Geistek se encarga de la monitorización de ensayos clínicos con terapias avanzadas y a dar Market Access a fármaco extracomunitarios que quieren comercializarse en Europa adquiriendo Geistek la titularidad de la autorización de comercialización. Además, nos encargamos de dar soporte en Business Development a pequeñas biotech en cuanto a la búsqueda de partners estratégicos, levantamiento de financiación, road-to-market strategy, venture building y clinical development.

Overview (in english): Geistek is in charge of monitoring clinical trials with advanced therapies and giving Market Access to non-EU drugs that want to be marketed in Europe, with Geistek acquiring ownership of the marketing authorization. Geistek, being the first company in the world specialized in Advanced Therapies, has been nominated in May 2020 by Business Worldwide Magazine as one of the most innovative companies of 2020.

Patents: 0

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artificial intelligence, drug development


ODS 03: Good Health and Well-being, ODS 09: Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, ODS 17: Partnerships for the Goals