LastBasic S.L.
Founding Year: 2017
Business model:
Income stream: subscription
Business Focus: B2B
Address: Sta. Engracia 105, 28010, Madrid
Short Description (in Spanish): Marketplace para la creación de prototipos hardware mediante economía colaborativa.
Overview (in Spanish): LastBasic es una plataforma de servicios de ingeniería donde cualquiera con una idea tecnológica de hardware puede convertirla en un prototipo funcional gracias a nuestra comunidad de expertos (ingenieros y diseñadores industriales) de todo el mundo que participan mediante concurso entre ellos y siguiendo el modelo de economía colaborativa para ganar los proyectos. Mercado: Industria 4. e IoT
Overview (in english): LastBasic is an engineering services platform, where anyone with a hardware technological idea can turn it into a functional prototype thanks to our community of experts (engineers and industrial designers) from around the world who participate by means of a competition among themselves, and following the model of collaborative economy, to win the projects.
Market: Industry 4.0 and IoT
Patents: None
See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:
electronics, engineering & manufacturing
software and platforms
ODS 09: Industry Innovation and Infrastructure