
Scale Up Partner SL

Web: https://scaleuppartner.com/

Founding Year: 2019

Business model:

Income stream: commission

Business Focus: B2B

Address: Manoteras 24, 2º (Cink), 28050, Madrid

Short Description (in Spanish): Intermediación comercial - venta de soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras a grandes empresas

Overview (in Spanish): Somos el socio comercial en España (entre otros países) de empresas tecnológicas de todo el mundo que se dirigen a “corporates” (no trabajamos PYMEs ni modelos B2C). Ayudamos a nuestros clientes en el “hunting” y el “farming” y nos mantenemos a su lado a largo plazo como KAMs (gestores de grandes cuentas). Comercialmente tenemos una mayor presencia en España, pudiendo usar España como puerta de entrada para otros países Europeos y contamos con presencia comercial en Latinoamérica.

Overview (in english): We are the commercial partner in Spain and Israel of B2B start-ups and scale-ups from all over the world. We work in all sectors (Fintech, Insurtech, EdTech, Healthtech, AgTech ...) and technologies (Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data ...) but only with product companies, highly scalable and aimed at large companies (we do not work SMEs nor B2C). Additionally, we mediate in the search for financing.

Patents: 0

See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:

web dealroom


enterprise software


3d technology, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, autonomous & sensor tech, big data, biotech & synthetic biology, blockchain, computer vision, connected device, data analytics, deep learning, deep tech, iot internetofthings, machine learning, mobile app, natural language processing, quantum technologies, recognition technology, software and platforms, virtual reality


ODS 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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