

Web: http://www.wearebeston.com

Founding Year: 2018

Business model:

Income stream: selling own inventory

Business Focus: B2C

Address: Paseo Eduardo Dato 12 3B., 28010, Madrid

Short Description (in Spanish): Ecommerce DNVB

Overview (in Spanish): Hemos detectado un océano azul dentro del sector textil donde las últimas tecnologías están subdesarrolladas dentro de las dinámicas de negocio. De esta necesidad surge Beston buscando liderar la transformación hacia la moda tecnológica y sostenible.

Overview (in english): We have detected a blue ocean within the textile sector, where the latest technologies are underdeveloped within the business dynamics. Beston arises from this need, seeking to lead the transformation towards technological and sustainable fashion

Patents: 0

See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:

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nanotech & new materials