Founding Year: 2019
Business model:
Income stream: subscription
Business Focus: B2B
Address: Calle Cerro del Espino 9 3C, 28220, Majadahonda
Short Description (in Spanish): Consultoría de procesos.
Overview (in Spanish): Seliom una plataforma SaaS de colaboración orientada ayudar a las empresas a aumentar sus eficiencia operativa y productividad a través de la automatización de sus procesos operativos de forma simple rápida asequible y sin intervención de IT. Nuestro mercado es la pyme.
Overview (in english): Seliom, a collaborative SaaS platform geared towards helping companies increase their operational efficiency and productivity by automating their operational processes, simply, quickly, affordably and without IT intervention.
Our market is the SME.
Patents: 0
See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:
enterprise software
mobile app