Founding Year: 2017
Business model:
Income stream: subscription
Business Focus: B2C
Address: Francos rodriguez 98, 28039, Madrid
Short Description (in Spanish): Asesoramiento financiero
Overview (in Spanish): Plataforma tecnológica que ayuda a ahorrar e invertir sin tener que mover el dinero de su banco. Micappital es una entidad regulada por la CNMV como Entidad de Asesoramiento Independiente lo que permite construir planes de ahorro e inversión personalizados a cada cliente con la máxima transparencia y calidad independientemente de su patrimonio.
Overview (in english): Micappital is a technology platform that helps you save and invest without having to move money from your bank. Micappital is an entity regulated by the CNMV as an Independent Advisory Entity, which allows to build personalized savings and investment plans for each client with maximum transparency and quality regardless of their assets.
Patents: None
See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:
software and platforms
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