Founding Year: 2016
Business model:
Income stream: selling own inventory
Business Focus: B2C
Address: C José del Hierro 50, 28027, Madrid
Short Description (in Spanish): Optica y Optometria
Overview (in Spanish): EOS (Estaire Optical Sport) es una marca registrada de gafas técnicamente deportivas creadas y diseñadas por jóvenes emprendedores vinculados al mundo de la óptica. Además de comercializar gafas deportivas de las mejores marcas. fabrica su propia de gafas, EOS la gafa deportiva que cubre todas las necesidades tanto a nivel óptico como deportivo.
Overview (in english): EOS (Estaire Optical Sport) is a trademark of technically sports eyewear, created and designed by young entrepreneurs linked to the world of optics. In addition to selling sports eyewear from top brands, the company manufactures its own glasses; EOS the sports glasses covering all needs both at the optical and at the sporting level.
Patents: 0
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