
Laboratorios Necenti

Web: http://necenti.com/

Founding Year: 2020


Business Focus: B2B

Address: Calle Orense 10, 28020, Madrid

Short Description (in Spanish): Biotecnología diagnóstico precoz

Overview (in Spanish): Hemos desarrollado un algoritmo bioquímico que nos permite medir la huella epigenética a nivel molecular. Gracias a ello nuestra plataforma Necenti1TM se adelanta 1 años de media al desarrollo de una enfermedad midiendo con precisión la gravedad que tendrá sobre la persona cuando empiece a desarrollar síntomas.

Overview (in english): We have developed a biochemical algorithm that allows us to measure epigenetic signatures at the molecular level. Thanks to this development, the Necenti100TM Platform gets ahead of disease development by 10 years on average, precisely measuring how severe its effects will be when the individual begins developing symptoms.

Patents: None

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