

Web: http://www.fourthhub.com

Address: Glorieta de quevedo 9, 28015, Madrid

Short Description (in Spanish): Publicidad exterior

Overview (in Spanish): Fourthhub es una empresa de publicidad exterior enfocada en la aplicacio´n de innovacio´n tecnologi´a al mercado del marketing DOOH(digital out of home). Fourthhub propone el uso de paneles digitales inteligentes que adapten la publicidad en tiempo real. Esta publicidad es optimizada teniendo en cuenta los consumidores presentes en los espacios donde estos paneles se sitúan.

Overview (in english): Fourthhub is an outdoor advertising company focused on the application of technology innovation to the DOOH (digital out of home) marketing market. Fourthhub proposes the use of smart digital panels that adapt advertising in real time. This advertising is optimized taking into account the consumers present in the spaces where these panels are located.

Patents: None

See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:

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data analytics