
Mimoto Parking S.L

Web: http://mimotoparking.com

Founding Year: 2018

Business: commission

Business Focus: B2C

Address: Av. de España 41, 28220, Majadahonda

Short Description (in Spanish): Gestión y explotación de parkings exclusivos para todo tipo de motos.

Overview (in Spanish): Parkings inteligentes con tecnologÃ

Overview (in english): Intelligent car parks with AI technology that carry out their activity autonomously for the exclusive parking of motorcycles. Without access ramps, covered, safe, open 24 hr, with lockers for equipment, XXL seats, sockets for electric charging and flexible low-cost rates. Aimed at users of two-wheeled vehicles.

Patents: None

See profile on the Startup Radar madri+d platform on Dealroom:

web dealroom




artificial intelligence, big data, iot internetofthings

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