

Web: http://a4cell.com

Founding Year: 2018

Business: commission, manufacturing

Business Focus: B2B

Address: Calle de Génova, 11, 28004, Madrid

Short Description (in Spanish): Desarrolla una nueva tecnología llamada SPAchip (Suspended Planar-Array Chips) que ofrece una...

Overview (in Spanish): Desarrolla una nueva tecnología llamada SPAchip (Suspended Planar-Array Chips) que ofrece una forma perfecta de rastrear células vivas

Overview (in english): Develops New technology named SPAchip (Suspended Planar-Array Chips) offering a perfect way to track living single cell

Patents: 0

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biotechnology, health


biotech & synthetic biology, deep tech, hardware

Related Institutions

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas CSIC

Related incubators/accelerators

CEI Montegancedo UPM - Centro de Apoyo a la Innovación Tecnológica (CAIT)